SEO competitions are very common these days and one the best and firsts this year is the SEOcontest2008 which has just finished last April 1. The winner is sphere and there are lots or rumors and buzz regarding the contest. These rumors came from 2 parties, the winning and the loosing party.

Of course, the winning party is celebrating this time since their wind but the thing is that the loosing party which is the majority, have said this and said that regarding such theories and buzz on what had them loose the contest and what had them help their entries to the contest gain leverage at the top page.

One of the most interesting theories so far that I have heard regarding the finished contest is that the upsurge of too much link traffic may affect an entry, much more, in a contest entry where the competition is very stiff. Well, these theories were really not proven but they all have the possibility to take effect for an entry. I guess for me, the card is truly a two sided face and this further proves that there really is nobody who can truly point SEOs about the holy grail be it in contests or in SEO or optimizing for a search engine.

Although of course, in all standards of search engines there have to be one but what it is will remain the biggest secret and to some the biggest lie of all time when we are talking about SEO. Each of the search engines have their own phase and their own set of standards and that is for sure. Who knows? Well, no one. All that's there is are all hoax and unproven facts and figures. There is though only one way to the top be it in a contest or in a competition for a specific niche..."Authority links" and bu authority links I mean that links should only come from legitimate and related sources. no more no less. This has been the same all over the web since the first Google was introduced by SErgei Brin and Lawrence Page where nobody seem to be reading from anymore these days.


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